Fascinating Facts about the Planet Venus
Position and Size
Venus is the second planet from the sun in our solar system and is about the same size as Earth.
Venus' atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide (96%) with traces of nitrogen and sulfuric acid.
Closest neighbor to Earth
Venus is the closest planet to Earth, with an average distance of approx. 41 million kilometers.
Magnetic field
Venus has a very weak magnetic field compared to Earth.
Venus rotates backwards relative to most other planets in the solar system, clockwise when viewed from above.
Longest day
A day on Venus lasts longer than a year, as the planet takes approx. 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis.
The gravity on Venus is about 90% of the gravity on Earth.
Surface temperature
Venus has an extremely high surface temperature of around 470 °C, making it the hottest planet in the Solar System.
Press and mist
Venus has an enormous atmospheric pressure, similar to that of the ocean floor on Earth, and its dense atmosphere creates a nebulous effect.
Phase shift
Like the Moon, Venus also goes through phases when viewed from Earth, from "new Venus" to "full Venus".
Southernmost volcano
Maat Mons is the southernmost volcano on Venus and is one of the largest volcanoes in the solar system.
Highest mountains
Venus has several mountains that reach higher than Mount Everest, including the Maxwell Montes, the highest mountain range on the planet.
Venus's surface is geologically varied with mountains, valleys, plains and craters.
Space research
Many space missions have explored Venus to study its atmosphere, surface and climate.
Acidic clouds
Venus' atmosphere contains clouds of sulfuric acid, making it a very acidic and toxic atmosphere.
Volcanic activity
Although there are no confirmed reports of active volcanoes on Venus, traces of volcanic activity suggest that the planet has had volcanic eruptions in the past.
Intricate rotation
The rotation period of Venus is longer than its orbital period around the Sun, which means that a Venus day is longer than a Venus year.
No moons
Venus has no natural moons.
Reddish glow
Venus has an intense reddish glow when seen from Earth, which is due to the reflection of sunlight in its atmosphere.
No water
Venus has no liquid water on its surface due to its extreme temperatures.
Extremely dense atmosphere
Venus' atmosphere is about 100 times denser than Earth's atmosphere.
Due to its bright beauty, Venus has been nicknamed the "Morning Star" and the "Evening Star".
Missions such as Venera and Magellan have provided valuable data on Venus' surface, atmosphere and geology.
Geological formations
Venus has a unique landscape of mountain ranges, continents, valleys and highlands named after famous women and mythological figures.
The passage of Venus
The transit of Venus is an astronomical phenomenon where Venus passes in front of the Sun as seen from Earth. It occurs in pairs, separated by 8-year intervals, with the next passage occurring in 2117.
Cosmic volcanic activity
Venus is home to a type of volcano called "pancake domes," which are flat and wide volcanoes formed from low-viscosity lava.
Turnaround time
Venus takes approx. 225 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun.
Bonus facts about Venus:
Southernmost point: Alpha Regio is the southernmost highland on Venus and extends over an area of about 1,500 kilometers. It is a complex geological area with mountains, craters and canyons.
Volcanic plains: Venus has areas of large volcanic plains, known as "planitiae". These plains are formed by low-viscosity lava that has flattened out and covered large areas.
Cyclic Volcanic Eruptions: Research suggests that Venus may have experienced cyclic volcanic eruptions in the past. These eruptions may have helped rebuild the surface and create the varied landscape we see today.
Volcanic heat: Venus is still geologically active and radiates a significant amount of heat from its interior. This heat contributes to the high surface temperature and volcanic activities on the planet.
The Venus Express mission: In 2005, the European Space Agency (ESA) sent the Venus Express spacecraft to explore the atmosphere and climate of Venus. The mission has provided valuable data on the planet's atmospheric conditions and dynamics.
Atmospheric rotation : Venus's atmosphere rotates much faster than the planet itself. This atmospheric superrotation means that the wind on Venus can reach speeds of up to 360 km/h, which is much faster than the surface speed.
Green lightning: Rare green lightning has been observed on Venus, with the sunset on the planet creating a greenish glow at the moment the Sun sets on the horizon.
Potential Life: Although the surface of Venus is extremely inhospitable to life as we know it, scientists have speculated on the possibility that life could exist in the upper atmosphere of Venus, where conditions are milder.
These facts about Venus illustrate the complex and fascinating natural phenomenon that the planet represents. Although we don't have a Venus lamp, our Saturn lamp would still be an impressive choice to add a touch of futuristic aesthetics to your home. Visit our store today and explore our amazing selection of lamps!

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